
Business Update

July 4 202410:00 - 11:00 (CET)

Peer Reichelt will provide investors with an in depth view on Netfonds recent operating developments as well as strategy.

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About Netfonds AG
Netfonds is the largest bank-independent provider of liability umbrellas in Germany and one of the market leaders among broker pools offering an one-stop shop for advisors, brokers, banks, asset managers and insurance companies. Under the finfire brand, the company provides its customers and partners with a cloud-based technology platform for the complete processing and administration of business transactions. Netfonds' customers thus benefit from one of the most modern software solutions on the market, which significantly simplifies the advisory process, makes it secure and enables target group-specific advice.
Netfonds AG

Netfonds AG

Financial Services


0.00 (0.00%)




€74.00 / 72.09%

Market Cap

€95.17 M

Last Update

09 Jul 24

Best-in-class research on selected German and European small caps. Immediately at publication and 100% free of charge.

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